Suna Techno Soft

JDBC, Servlets, JSPS

JDBC, Servlets, JSPs Training

by Suna Techno Soft

Jdbc,Servlets and Jsps:-


  1. Introduction to JDBC.
  2. JDBC Architecture.
  3. Types of drivers.
  4. Important interfaces in JDBC.
  5. Steps for Connecting with the Database.
  6. Examples on CRUD Operations.
  • how to create/insert the data using JDBC.
  • how to retrive/fetch the data using JDBC.
  • how to update the records using JDBC.
  • how to delete the records using JDBC.
  1. Scrollable and Updatable ResultSet.
  2. Using ‘PreparedStatement’ interface.
  3. Difference b/w ‘Statement’ and ‘PreparedStatement’
  4. Using ‘RowSet’ interface.
  5. Using ‘StoredProcedures’.
  6. Difference b/w Statement,PreparedStatement and CallableStatement.
  7. Using ‘ResultSetMetaData’ interface.
  8. Transactions.


  1. Introduction to Web Applications.
  2. Need and importance of Servlets.
  3. Servlet API.
  4. Servlet Lifecycle.
  5. General Programming Structure of Servlet Application.
  6. How to install and run the server.(Tomcat or JBoss)
  7. How to configure the server with Eclipse.
  8. First ‘Hello World’ Example On Servlet.
  9. Example on ‘Lifecycle Methods’ Of Servlet.
  10. How to access the values from the UI with validation.(Login Page Example)
  11. Initialization paraments.
  12. Context Parameters.
  13. Using ‘RequestDispatcher’ interface.
  14. difference b/w include(),forward(),sendRedirect() methods.
  15. Session Tracking Mechanism.
  • Cookies
  • URL Rewriting.
  • HttpSession
  • Hidden form Fields.
  1. Filters.
  2. Listeners.


  1. Introduction to JSP’S.
  2. Advantages of JSP’s Over Servlet.
  3. Model-1 and Model-2 Architectires.
  4. JSP LifeCycle.
  5. Importane Tags of JSP’S.
  6. First Example On JSP’S.
  7. Implicit Objects in JSP’S with Examples.
  8. Important Directives in JSP’S with Examples.




  1. Action Tags in JSP’S with Examples.
  2. Expression Langauge with Examples.
  3. JSTL with Examples.
  4. JSP and Servlet Communication.
  5. About MVC Framework.
  6. About DAO Design Pattern.

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